She called me Bobby

Created by rlewis599 11 years ago
The first time I met Aunt Ruby, I was hooked on that smile and that gentle accent. Uncle Jim hit a home run when she said yes and their life together was evidence of real and lasting love. I really looked forward to family gatherings and visits, because I knew that she would be there. She called me Bobby with a lilt in her voice that was sincere unforgettable. I loved the way she hugged me and told me how tall I was getting and how smart I was and I believed every word she said. I was nine or ten when I started to notice girls and I compared everyone of them to my Aunt Ruby, who I knew was the most beautiful lady I had ever seen,not counting my Mom and her sisters. There was just something about her that was different and set her aside from the crowd. The years passed by and we became older, yet she stayed the same. We were only 10 years apart in age, but to me she was and still is ageless. My Aunt Ruby wore the years well. She was just as charming, just as beautiful and still called me Bobby. I am going to miss that so.
